Pit Bull Risks Her Life To Save Puppy From Venomous Snake


Rescue dogs are the most loyal creatures on the planet. Most of them will risk their lives to save the loving members of their family. One brave Pit Bull didn’t think twice when her puppy brother was in danger. When a venomous snake approached the 5-month-old Pit Bull, the older sister jumped in the way and took the damage for him.

Milly the Pit Bull is now in critical condition, but her brother Tonka got away without a scratch. She’s fighting for her life and getting better every day. Judging by her friendly canine face, she doesn’t have any regrets. She’d do it again in a heartbeat if it meant Tonka stays safe.

Pit Bull siblings

Family Comes First

Milly and Tonka were in the yard of their Australia home when they encountered an Eastern brown snake. Luckily, their mom, a paramedic named Madeline Mills, was home at the time. She rushed outside to see what the commotion was about and panicked when she saw her two rescue dogs in danger.

There was a snake near the Pit Bulls, and Milly was showing signs of venom only five minutes after being bit. Mills didn’t know exactly what happened, so she rushed both dogs to the emergency vet.

Eastern brown snake

Vets determined that Milly had several snake bites, but Tonka didn’t have any injuries. So, Tonka was able to go home the next day, but Milly had to stay at the vet for four days. During that time, they gave her antivenom to hopefully save her life.

“She seemed to have protected her little brother Tonka, who didn’t get any venom,” said Mills.

Pit Bull at the vet

Look Out for Snakes!

Milly is doing better now that she’s home, but she needs to rest. So, she can’t play with Tonka again until she’s feeling better. While her little brother is disappointed about that, the whole family is relieved that Milly’s recovery looks promising.

Mills urges those living in Australia to be extra cautious about snakes in their yard. Eastern brown snakes are commonly found in people’s yards in Australia and are the species responsible for the most human deaths in the country. They will often flee when threatened, but in some cases, they will stand up in an S-shaped stance and strike.

Pit Bull home from vet

Thus, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your dog while outside at all times. Mills suggests that homeowners also keep their lawns short so it’s easier to spot snakes.

“Like any other Australian, you just have to be careful,” Mills said. “It’s important to learn the basics of snakebite first aid, and to know the number of your local snake catcher.”

Milly is one brave pup to risk her life for her brother like that, but thankfully, both of them are now safe in the comfort of their home.

Pit Bulls playing

H/T: msn.com
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