Fran Drescher’s Rescue Dog Helps Her Thrive Despite PTSD From Sexual Assault


Fran Drescher is most notably known for her iconic role in The Nanny. Many people don’t know, however, that just a few years before being catapulted to stardom, Drescher was a victim of a horrific crime.

In 1985, Drescher’s then-husband was blindfolded while Drescher and her friend were raped during a brutal home invasion. The trio was at the mercy of a criminal and his gun.

“I was raped at gunpoint in my own home by a man that I did not know who was out on parole. I was one of the lucky ones because I lived, and I lived to identify him and see him sentenced to 150 years of prison without parole,” Drescher shared during the UN Women for Peace Association’s annual awards luncheon.


A Four-Legged Angel Was On Her Way

The events that Drescher survived all those years ago still haunt her. Despite the passing of time and her success, she still struggles with PTSD stemming from that night. With the help of her faithful companion, Angel Grace, Drescher is now thriving.

Angel Grace was adopted from Rockin’ Rescue in Woodland Hills, California in March of 2020. Angel is a Husky/German Shepherd mix with one strikingly blue eye and the other, a soulful brown.

Angel (then Snowy) had been hit by a car. She suffered a broken leg and a shoulder injury. The extent of her injuries left her at risk of being euthanized, but, just like her now-mom, Angel was determined to survive.


Drescher told Pet Lifestyles Magazine that she had recently lost her beloved pup, Samson, and her heart wasn’t quite healed enough to move on. Finding it difficult to even get out of bed during her grieving, Drescher had a spark inside of her that told her to look at It was there that she laid eyes on Angel and knew Samson was giving her permission to move on.

Love At First Kiss

Within seconds of meeting, Angel knocked Drescher to the ground and covered her in kisses! That was all the confirmation she needed to know that Angel was coming home with her. Days later, California was placed on lockdown due to the pandemic. It was during that time that the pair bonded stronger than ever. Now they’re inseparable!


“I am a survivor who has managed to get on with my life in spite of the veil of PTSD that I have learned to live with,” she said, “and I am rarely alone without my… service dog.”

Angel Grace fits her name perfectly. She has warm eyes that pull you in and an adventurous spirit that makes you feel at ease. No matter where Drescher goes, Angel is right by her side.

“I am often amazed by how much more relaxed I am walking down the streets, moving through airports, or entering a hotel room because I am with my friend, companion, and protector.”

Drescher considers herself lucky. Lucky for surviving, for identifying her attacker, lucky for her journey of recovery, and lucky for finding her guardian Angel.


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