How To Keep Your Dog Healthy Naturally (3 KEY Steps To A Healthy Dog)

How to keep your dog healthy naturally follows 3 important steps to ensure a healthy happy dog that lives longer. ***FREE DOG HEALTH GUIDE [5 Easy Steps to ‘Health Boost’ Kibble Meals & Heal Day-to-Day Health Issues] – Simple. Fast. HEALING.


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Dog parenting can be broken down into 3 key steps that if you take, you’ll enjoy life with your dog that much more.

The hard facts of life beyond the rosy pet food commercials is that dogs are a commodity for business to profit from. The pet food and drug making titans have it easy with dogs because lax pet food laws mean big profits at the cost of your dogs health.

So it’s important to step up and be proactive in protecting your dogs health and wellbeing by understanding the 3 key steps you can take that will benefit your dogs health and longevity.

STEP 1 is to protect your dogs good health.
Dogs start out with great health and through our ignorance to the vet care, pharmaceutical and pet food industry we allow them to think for us and be led into practices unhealthy for our dogs.

As the rap song states, ‘Don’t believe the hype.’

The problem is that we listen to everything told us and then apply everything without question and years later wonder why our dogs are so sick and miserable, leading to an early demise.

We buy heartworm pills, flea and tick spot on drugs, antibiotics, dewormers, vaccinations for just about anything recommended, all the while thinking this is to prevent disease, not realizing we have just intoxicated our dog with a whole load of unnecessary drugs.

STEP 2 is to stop over vaccination.
Minimising drugs, medications, vaccines and toxic flea & tick applications will simply lower your dogs toxic load. And at a time when more toxic drugs loaded into your dogs system is the very last thing they need.

Just because your vet says so, doesn’t mean it’s true or healthy!

Think about using a good holistic or homeopathic vet who can get your dog off the toxic flea meds and drugs or use my Home Remedies Book, linked in the description below. They all damage your dog’s gut, the ‘center’ of your dogs immune system protection.

Never give an unnecessary vaccine: Once an adult dog has responded to a vaccine, research shows she doesn’t need any more. Instead of revaccinating, ask your vet to run a titer test first to see if she even needs that vaccine (chances are, she’s already protected and doesn’t need it).

And STEP 3 is a to feed your dog a Healthier Kibble Diet.
The ingredients in processed commercial pet food have been dealt a bad hand with extreme high heating killing off all enzyme, vitamin and mineral life in the food to sterilize it, which means it has to be fortified with synthetic vitamins and minerals, gets no enzymes added but has extra preservatives, colors and stabilizers added.

It’s now become convenient fast food that despite the rhetoric from pet food manufacturers and vets, it needs help to be any use to your dog as a healthy long term food supply.

You do have the option of feeding your dog a raw food diet or home cooked food diet but if that’s not an option, feeding a healthier kibble diet should be an absolute minimum if you want to do better for your dog and stave off future acute disease.

Feeding your dog a healthier kibble diet is key to less oxidative stress, better vitamin, mineral and enzyme intake and reducing chronic ill health.
Disclosure: I participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate program that earns fees by linking to and related sites and I’ll often link to helpful and effective products I and my customers use and at zero cost to you. All opinions are my own. The information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute specific vet advice for any individual dog, cat or other animal.
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