Breeder Discarded Puppy Born Without Front Legs But Now She’s Thriving


A tiny puppy named Olivia was born with front paws but no front legs to support them. So, a teacup dog breeder saw no use for her and dropped her off at Fayette County Animal Control in West Virginia, asking them to euthanize her. But the staff took one look at the puppy and knew they couldn’t end her life. Olivia deserved a fighting chance.

With the help of Homeward Trails Animal Rescue, Olivia is feeling confident and joyful. While getting around is difficult for her, volunteers are dedicated to making her life easier. Soon, she’ll even have her own wheelchair!

Puppy with no front legs

From Unwanted to Forever Loved

Olivia is less than a year old, and she only weighed a half-pound when she arrived at the rescue. She went through orthopedic exams and x-rays, which determined that she needed a wheelchair. Although, she gets around incredibly well without her front legs.

Homeward Trails is working with Bionic Pets to create a custom wheelchair for Olivia. It should arrive in a few weeks, and it will adjust to the puppy’s size as she grows. In the meantime, Olivia loves spending time in her foster home, where she befriended a 65-pound Lab named Rey.

Tiny puppy weight

“They are real buds. Olivia is full of energy, and Rey is perpetually sleeping and laid back. Olivia jumps all over her,” said K Scarry, Olivia’s foster parent. “Rey looks out for her.”

Scarry added that it’s an honor to foster Olivia and watch her grow. Olivia is Scarry’s first special needs foster, but Scarry suspects she won’t be her last. This pup’s story will have heartwarming, lasting effects on her foster family.

Puppy cuddles finger

Olivia is Thriving!

Olivia doesn’t know she’s different from other dogs. She’s a bundle of energy and can hop anywhere she needs to go. She doesn’t let the complications of life hold her back, and she only continues to grow and thrive.

However, Sue Bell, the founder of Homeward Trails Animal Rescue, hopes that Olivia’s story teaches others about reckless breeding. When bringing a dog into your family, you must be cautious about where the dog is coming from.

Puppy with no front legs

“The breeding of these little teacup animals really does have real-life, negative impacts. And although the overbreeding of any animal at any size has an impact, we just hope that, as people are going out there and securing pets for their family, that they will be very mindful of where those pets are coming from,” Bell said. “If from a breeder, that they’re visiting the breeder and they’re going to the sites, and they see how the animals are kept. They’re interviewing the breeders thoroughly to ensure that they are reputable.”

Olivia isn’t up for adoption yet, but she likely will be once her wheelchair arrives. After all, she’s doing even better than anyone could’ve expected. If you’d like to help support dogs like Olivia, please donate to Homeward Trails Animal Rescue.

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