A Walking Skeleton, She Roamed The Streets & Hung Her Head In Shame


This poor dog was a victim of homelessness and neglect. Covered in mange and skin impervious to the world, she looked like she could die at any moment for all we know.

Image Source (YouTube Video Channel): Animal Aid Unlimited

Animal Aid are trained to handle animals with care, before they are set free. They used a blanket to gently capture her, identify her, then put her into their mobile clinic for boarding.

Image Source (YouTube Video Channel): Animal Aid Unlimited

She was immediately taken to see doctors, where she realized they were there to help her. After this sudden realization, her whole demeanor changed. She no longer felt shame or alone.

Image Source (YouTube Video Channel): Animal Aid Unlimited

After a medical diagnosis, the doctor would prescribe a treatment plan. First and foremost, she needed to get sufficient rest and a high-calorie diet.

Image Source (YouTube Video Channel): Animal Aid Unlimited

What must have felt like the greatest gift to the starving dog was when she was finally able to eat. And there were days when she would eat two or three bowls of food! She said that it longed long time in her life when she had plenty of food.

Image Source (YouTube Video Channel): Animal Aid Unlimited

Despite some anecdotal evidence that some home remedies may treat mange, the best way to treat this skin disease is with medicated baths and antibiotics.

Image Source (YouTube Video Channel): Animal Aid Unlimited

Animal Aid works to place animals in happy homes where they can thrive. If they don’t find a home, the peaceful atmosphere of the sanctuary allow these companions to live out their life in happiness with loving volunteers. Little Mary will live with Animal Aid until she finds a forever home.

Image Source (YouTube Video Channel): Animal Aid Unlimited

Mary’s health is going in the right direction thanks to a new home and a loving community to support her.

Watch Mary’s rescue by the Animal Aid Team below: Be sure to SHARE this story with a friend or family member!

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