“Neighborhood Bullies” Stalk Innocent Chihuahua Into A Confrontation


If you didn’t grow up in an area they inhabit, you might be surprised to learn how large wild turkeys actually are. Adult male turkeys can be three to three-and-a-half feet tall, which is very intimidating to a foot-tall dog.

So, when a viral TikTok video opens on a group of four turkeys closing in on a Chihuahua mix, you start to fear the worst. These large birds stand several inches taller than the little dog, and they’ve got numbers on her too. It doesn’t seem fair.


The video also features the song “Oh No” by Kreepa, a favorite background music choice for the app to indicate something is about to go down. But who is going to face the consequences: dog or turkeys? That’s the big question.

Not In My Neighborhood!

In the video’s opening seconds, the dog senses the birds following her but continues down the sidewalk. She takes a few anxious looks back at the menacing fowl as they close in on her.


Suddenly, the dog decides that enough is enough and stops in her tracks. All it takes is a sharp turn, a stern look, and then a few “back off” barks. Despite her size, the dog heads right into the group of turkeys.


The formerly intimidating turkeys instantly leap into the air, panicked. What were they thinking, trying to take on this tough, no-nonsense dog? This is clearly her turf.


The outcome of this interaction proves that no one should be defined by their size. All it takes is confidence to win the day. Shame on us for even thinking to worry about the pup. She can clearly handle herself.

Watch the entire video on TikTok or below:

No Animals Were Harmed In The Making Of This TikTok

The dog starring in this particular video is named Phoebe. She lives around turkeys and deals with them in her neighborhood all the time. There’s often barking and chasing, but never actual fisticuffs.


In a comment on her original post, the dog’s mom Brianne (aka @breezybristylez on TikTok) noted:

“[S]he doesn’t actually get them. I think she just likes that they run from her. They come around often.”

The original video of Phoebe showing the neighborhood turkeys who’s boss got over 700,000 likes and has been shared at least 62,000 times. Who doesn’t love an underdog story, after all?

H/T: Hindustan Times
Featured Image: TikTok

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