Heroic Firefighters Rescue Dog Stranded On Floating Ice Chunk


The first few days in a new home can be intimidating for a rescue dog, which is why they may try to run. A newly-adopted Labradoodle named Lucy got away from her new human during a walk. Luckily, it didn’t take long to locate the dog, but bringing her home wasn’t easy.

Lucy ended up on a piece of ice in the Detroit River. It’s unclear how she got out there, but she clung to the ice as the water flowed around her. Wyandotte police officers, firefighters, and animal control officers all showed up to help.

Dog stranded on ice

Stranded on Floating Ice

Neighbors had spotted Lucy on the ice and called 911. The 80-pound dog lay frozen in fear on an ice floe. It wasn’t far from the shore, but she was too scared and exhausted to try swimming. Swimming is likely how she ended up in the frightening situation.

“The poor pooch somehow managed to climb onto a chunk of ice but it was drifting away in the river while the dog was freezing,” the police department wrote on Facebook.

Police arrived at the scene first, but they needed time to think of a plan. They considered getting into the freezing waters themselves or contacting the U.S. Coast Guard. But luckily, the Wyandotte firefighters arrived shortly after and took control of the rescue. Animal control was also there to help.

Firefighter saving dog on ice

The dog’s rescue took about 30 minutes. If Lucy had been out there much longer, she could’ve frozen to death.

Firefighters to the Rescue!

During the rescue, one firefighter held a ladder against a nearby dock while another climbed down the ladder into the frigid water. The firefighter in the water used a tool called a catchpole to loop around Lucy’s neck. Then, he gently pulled her toward the ladder. The terrified pup had to be in the water for a few seconds, but then the firefighter held her tightly in his arms.

“It had such a happy outcome,” said Wyandotte Assistant Fire Chief Tom Lyon. “She just had those big brown eyes, and she couldn’t talk, but she probably was just so grateful.”

Freezing dog carried to safety

The police department posted a video of the amazing rescue on Facebook. Many people commented with messages of gratitude for the firefighter who went to great lengths to save the dog.

This isn’t the first time firefighters have responded to a situation like this. Another dog named Teddy survived four days on the Detroit River’s ice, so it’s a miracle he’s alive and well. Not every dog in that situation has been as lucky as Teddy and Lucy.

Watch the Incredible Rescue Here:

H/T: foxnews.com
Featured Image: Facebook

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