UPDATE: Dog Struggles In Rushing Waters For Hours As Heroes Jump Into Action


UPDATE 4/1/2022 –

Now that the dog and woman who fell into the Los Angeles River have been rescued, they did an interview about the scary situation. Both seem to be in good health after the traumatic event, and hopefully, they’ll never have to experience something like that ever again.

Angela Buono’s dog is a German Shepherd mix named Scooby. Scooby is a rescue dog who gets nervous easily, so that’s why he was reluctant to let strangers help him.

Dog and human saved from river

When rescuers came to retrieve Buono first, she was horrified. She made officials promise they would save Scooby if she let go of him. Luckily, they kept their promise in the end. Buono is grateful that firefighters were so determined to save her dog, but seeing Scooby get swept away from her was a nightmare.

“I saw the guy coming from the helicopter, and he informed me that I had to release [Scooby]. He assured me — I kept asking if he was going to go back for the dog. I saw him get swept away, and it was probably one of the scariest things ever,” Buono said.

Dog Saved From LA River
screenshot, insideedition.com

Scooby was rescued about nine miles from where he first fell in, but firefighters never stopped trying to save him. Thanks to their hard work, Scooby and Buono can now watch the rescue footage from the comfort of their home.

Buono was hesitant to interview because she said a lot of people have sent her hateful messages. But no one knows the full story, and Buono is clearly a good dog parent who loves her dog very much. So, instead of making assumptions about this traumatizing event, let’s be grateful that everyone involved is now safe.

Dog kisses his mom
screenshot, insideedition.com

Original Post –

When a dog is in danger, most people want to come to the rescue. But in some scenarios, saving the dog only puts both of you at risk. During water rescues, officials urge the public to call for help instead of attempting the rescue themselves.

A dog got swept away by the rushing waters of the Los Angeles River, which put two people in danger as a result. It took at least two hours, but the fire department was able to save the dog and all the humans involved.

Dog trapped in river

Dog in Distress

It’s unclear how it happened, but the Los Angeles Fire Department received several reports of a woman and her dog trapped in the river. The dog had likely fallen in, so his owner went in after him. The dog’s owner, a 35-year-old woman, was rescued within a half hour, but the dog was reluctant to receive help.

As fire crews were trying to save the pooch, a man jumped into the water after the dog. He didn’t know the dog, but he wanted to help in any way possible. Unfortunately, the pup was so scared that he bit the man trying to rescue him. So, the man was forced to let go of the dog, sending the pup further down the river.

Since the man was now in danger, rescuers had to focus on saving him before returning to the dog. Even though the man had good intentions, he ended up becoming another victim who needed saving. Rescuers were able to lift the man to the shore using a helicopter.

Man rescuing dog in danger

“We know that individual was well-intentioned as well as other people are obviously very concerned about that canine, you better believe we are too. But when civilians jump in who don’t have the proper personal protective equipment and training to effect a rescue, they often become patients themselves,” said Captain II Erik Scott.

Hours of Hard Work

Once the man was safe, firefighters returned to helping the dog. No matter how many times they tried to save the dog, the pup always fought back out of fear. The rescue team explained that issues like that are common when saving dogs, which makes it harder for them to help.

“The poor canine was very tired, very scared, and the more people were around, the more scared he got, and he did bite that well-intentioned 28-year-old male that was trying to help him, and that’s another reason we don’t want people jumping in for these canines because they’re obviously scared,” said Scott.

Fire crew saving dog from river

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Firefighters refused to give up. After about two hours of trying to save the dog, they finally pulled him to safety. While incredibly anxious, the dog was unharmed. His owner was also okay, but the man who jumped in had to go to the hospital for minor injuries.

Keeping your dog away from fast-moving water is the best way to protect them, but if they happen to fall in, the best thing you can do is call for help. It’s tempting to jump in after them, but that could delay the rescue process because officials need to rescue humans before dogs in situations like this. So, keep that in mind if you and your pup are ever faced with a stressful situation like this one.

Watch the Incredible Rescue Here:

H/T: fox10phoenix.com
Featured Image: YouTube

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