Yorkie Saved Her Fur Mom’s Life By Helping Her Spot A Cancerous Lump


A loving dog mom credits her pup with helping her spot a growing tumor. She says that she may not be here today without the early detection provided by her Yorkie, Cleo.

Brenda Richards and Cleo live in England. The two have a consistent bedtime routine involving Brenda carrying Cleo up the stairs, as the tiny pup struggles with climbing them independently. Cleo typically rests comfortably in her fur mom’s arms as they make their way to the bedroom, but something about this day was different.

yorkie detecting cancer

Cleo began to frantically paw at Branda’s chest as she carried her, causing Brenda to wonder what the pup could be trying to tell her. This behavior was out of character, so Brenda soon examined the area on her chest that Cleo seemed to be focused on. In doing this, she found a lump.

“I had no idea there was a lump there. If my little doggie hadn’t found it, I don’t think I would ever have known about it.” – Brenda Richards

Brenda immediately reached out to her doctor to schedule an examination of the suspicious lump. After meeting with her doctor and undergoing multiple tests, she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

yorkie detecting cancer

Brenda’s medical team got to work immediately, and she was soon undergoing a lumpectomy to remove the cancerous tumor. She then began eight months of chemotherapy and radiation in an effort to banish the cancer for good. In just under a year after her diagnosis, Brenda’s doctors gave her the all-clear. She was cancer-free!

“She was trying to tell me something. Without a shadow of a doubt, my little doggie, Cleo, found the lump in my breast and saved my life. I dread to think what would have happened if Cleo hadn’t behaved the way she did.” – Brenda Richards

Brenda Richards remains in remission to this day, and there is no doubt in her mind that her beloved pup Cleo detected growing cancer. She credits the devoted pup for saving her life.

yorkie detecting cancer

Researchers around the world are currently exploring the potential for dogs to detect different forms of cancer in humans. Science has proven just how powerful a dog’s scent capabilities are, so Cleo may have simply been using her impressive senses to help her mom.

“My dog Cleo, my baby, saved my life without a doubt.” – Brenda Richards

We are so glad Brenda found her cancer as early as she did and that she can go on to live a happy life alongside her best furry friend!

H/T: people.com

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