Construction Workers Find A Creative Way To Rescue Drowning Dog


A construction crew was working near an irrigation channel in Ecuador. They received a radio alert telling them that a dog was trapped in the channel with the water pushing him toward the workers. The crew stopped what they were doing and quickly came up with a plan to save the dog. Using the resources around them, they thought of a unique way to bring the imperiled pup to safety.

Now, thanks to these quick-thinking individuals, the dog is doing well. It would’ve been easy for them to let the dog pass by, but instead, they put themselves at risk to save his life.

Dog swimming toward rescuer

A Quick-Thinking Team

In a viral video of the rescue, workers lower a digger down into the channel. A man called Abel Murillo climbs onto the bottom of the digger as it gets closer to the water. The machine stops just above the water, and Murillo intently searches for the dog.

After a few moments, the workers spot him struggling to stay afloat. The current pulls the pup toward Murillo. The workers call to the dog, but the pup is too focused on surviving to react. Once he is close enough, Murillo reaches out to grab him, but the dog struggles and tries to bite him to escape.

Man saving drowning dog

“The dog was almost about to let go because, with the force of the water, the dog hit the bucket and wanted to go under it,” Murillo said. “Then, what I did was to grab the dog and [he] bit me but only with a slight bite.”

RELATED: Dog Struggles In Rushing Waters For Hours As Heroes Jump Into Action

After some struggle, Murillo was able to grab the dog and set him on the digger in front of him. Once the pup was out of the water, he froze in place and looked confused.

Man and dog lifted to safety

Workers Rescue Helpless Dog

Once the dog was safely on the digger, the workers lifted the digger so the man and dog could hop off onto land. The dog slowly exits the machine with the man but then freezes in place. He looks disoriented as he realizes he’s safe from the water.

“Thank God we were able to catch [the dog], we could give the animal another chance to live,”  said Luis, one of the other workers.

Man and dog safe

The construction workers raised money for a vet checkup for the dog. Vets treated inflammation and an infection on the canine. Now, he’s doing well despite the traumatic situation.

It’s unclear if the dog belongs to someone or if he’s a stray. Hopefully, he has a comfortable place to stay so he doesn’t put himself in danger again.

Watch the Rescue Video Here:

Featured Image: YouTube

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