Construction Workers Find Puppy Caked In Mud, Vet Said, “He’s Not A Dog” At All


When a sluggish movement was observed in a deep muddy hole on an urban construction site, the workers were concerned. The employees discovered a tiny puppy desperately drowning and fighting to stay afloat in the noxious muck after scanning the pit. They gathered together and hauled out the dying puppy as soon as possible.

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The puppy was encased in a thick layer of dried mud from head to toe by the time the employees brought him to the South Essex Wildlife Hospital. He appeared rather pathetic as bits of trash plastic drooped from his stomach. The vet staff washed the terrified newborn, only to discover that he wasn’t a “dog” after all!

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As a warm shower flushed away the arid layers of mud, the staff realized that the poor baby was actually a fox cub! After a very long dunking and scrubbing session, the 4-month-old cub finally recovered from the shock and was able to move freely again. To commemorate this one-of-a-kind rescue, the staff has named the baby “Muddsey”. We love the sound of that!

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Muddsey is doing great now, and the veterinarian staff will set him correctly when he’s completely healthy. It’s been suggested that Muddsey was trapped in a muddy hole for a whole weekend based on his condition. If it wasn’t for the construction workers, he would have met a horrible demise. We’re ecstatic that things worked out well.

Be sure to WATCH the heartwarming video below. Be sure to SHARE this post with a friend or family member to pass on the SMILE!

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