Dog Tear Stains: Tips For Keeping Your Pup’s Beautiful Coat Clean


If you have a dog with light-colored fur, getting rid of their tear stains can be a nightmare. Cleaning tear stains might seem like a hassle, and they stand out like a sore thumb in photos. Yet, if you think tear stains are annoying, imagine how your dog feels! Having a crusty brown substance around their eyes can be uncomfortable for them, especially when there’s nothing they can do to fix it.

Luckily, a white dog with tear stains isn’t doomed. There are lots of easy solutions, depending on the cause of the stains. Finding the root of the problem and selecting a safe, convenient grooming product could be the key to removing your pup’s unsightly eye stains.

Why Do White Dogs Get Tear Stains?

Any dog can have excessive tearing, but it’s most noticeable on dogs with light-colored fur. Tear stains might blend in on a dark coat, but if your dog has white hair, their tears will stain the fur an unpleasant reddish-brown color.

Person holding white dog

However, you might notice that there are plenty of white dogs with clean faces. Their humans may just be great at keeping their tear stains under control, but it could also depend on the type of dog. White fur isn’t the only characteristic that leads to goopy tears. Dogs with long hair are more likely to get tear stains stuck in their coats, and dogs with flat faces often produce more tears.

So, if your white dog happens to have long hair or a flat face, you can expect to deal with some discoloration under their eyes.

What Causes Tear Stains in Dogs?

It’s normal for dogs to have some drainage from their eyes, but tear stains are usually caused by an overproduction of tears, also known as “epiphora.” Epiphora can be caused by several factors. Some causes are controllable while others are not.

Here are the most common causes of epiphora:

  • Birth defects near the eyes, such as the absence of proper drainage methods or eyelids growing inward
  • Damage to the tear drainage system
  • Overactive tear glands
  • Allergies, including reactions to food, pollen, dust, smoke, or grooming products
  • Foreign objects coming into contact with the eyes and causing irritation
  • Fungal/bacterial infections
  • Puppy teething may cause excess tears

How to Get Rid of Dog Tear Stains

Most people view dog tear stains only as an appearance issue, but it’s often more than that. Tear stains are uncomfortable for dogs, and they can sometimes be linked to something more serious. So, here are some ways to control your dog’s watery eyes.

Woman petting white dog

First, Talk to Your Vet

If the tear stains are related to defects or damage, veterinary care may be the only way to fix the problem. So, having your vet examine your dog’s eyes and tear stains is always a good idea. They can determine if the stains are easily treatable or if they’re caused by something more serious.

In extreme cases, surgery may be needed to improve the drainage of your dog’s eyes. Other abnormalities require vet care, but are easier to treat, such as inverted eyelids. Vet treatments may sound scary, but it’s best to rule out these causes before trying to treat the tear stains on your own. Even if your dog’s tear stains have a simpler cure, your vet can help you determine the cause and give you the best treatment suggestion.

Remove the Cause of the Stains

You may be able to eliminate external causes, such as allergies, from your dog’s life. If your dog is allergic to a certain ingredient or product, keeping them away from that item could reduce their tear production. Unsanitary food and water dishes could also make dog eyes watery, so regularly clean the surfaces they interact with to prevent this.

Keep Your Dog’s Face Hair Short

Long hair is more likely to collect eye goop than short hair. Plus, long fur around your dog’s eyes and mouth can irritate them, causing extra tears. However, their face is a tricky spot to groom, so it’s best to let a professional groomer handle it. Ask your groomer to keep the hair around their face extra short. Fuzzy faces might be cute, but your dog’s comfort matters more than appearance.

Choose a Natural Tear Stain Remover

If nothing else seems to do the trick, there are plenty of products that can help remove your dog’s tear stains. These products can come in the form of liquid, powder, wipes, or treats, but not all products are created equal. Be sure to thoroughly research the products and the company before choosing which one is safest and most effective for your furry friend.

When using a tear stain remover, consistency is crucial. Your dog’s tear stains won’t disappear overnight. Instead, you’ll need to continue using the product to get the most effective results. The timeframe depends on the product, but many can take weeks for the tear stains to disappear completely.

White dog looking at camera

Choosing the Best Tear Stain Products for Your Dog

With so many tear stain removers on the market, it can be difficult to find the best one for your pup. So, here are a few key features to look for.

Look for Safe, Effective Ingredients

Ingredients matter. Not only should a product have effective ingredients, but it should also be pet-friendly. Look for products that are natural and free of harsh chemicals, antibiotics, and pesticides. Companies that truly care about their canine customers will only use items that the FDA considers safe.

Find a Product That’s Easy to Use

Many dogs are likely to squirm when you try to clean near their face. If that’s the case, you’ll want a product that’s easy to use on difficult dogs. Wipes can make cleaning around your dog’s face easy because they come pre-sized, so all you have to do is grab a wipe and start cleaning your dog’s tear stains.

However, if your dog can’t stand the idea of any object touching their face, you could also choose edible tear stain removers. If they look and smell like treats, it’s unlikely that your dog will put up a fight.

Choose a Company You Can Trust

Any pet company’s mission should be to create a better life for animals. So, check out the brand’s website and reviews to make sure they achieve that goal. Creating safe, effective products in well-maintained facilities is a good sign that the company cares about the products they sell. Many companies will even accept refunds if the products aren’t successful, which means they want to see your pup feel better!

Dog tear stain remover products

Keep Your Pup’s Face Clean with Petpost!

Petpost has several tear stain products that have all the amazing qualities mentioned above. Tear stain remover combs, liquids, wipes, and soft chews are all grooming supplies that this company offers. Petpost has a variety of effective products because they want to ensure that no pet has to keep dealing with uncomfortable eye stains.

Petpost’s natural products are all produced in clean, well-maintained facilities in the United States. If you want to clean your pup’s eye stains safely and efficiently, consider giving these eco-friendly items a try!

You can order now with the code IHEARTDOGS to get 15% off Petpost tear stain products. You can also get FREE SHIPPING on any U.S. orders that are over $35!

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